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zxcv963 幼苗

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Curly tai is a bogs fairy.
One day, she met is in the woods hunting Apollo, her for the handsome deeply fascinated by god, fell madly in love with him.
But, Apollo even nor see her once guided went.
Curly Thai eagerly look forward one day to say to her, Apollo can but she was never met him.
So she can only every scanned the sky, watching Apollo drove resplendent and magnificent day car across the sky.
She gazed at the Apollo trip, until he down the mountain.
Every day, every day, she so sat there, the hair is messy, pale.
A sunrise, she then hope toward the sun.
Later, the gods have mercy on her, put her into a big flower golden sunflowers.
Her handsome turned toward the sun, forever anxle daily to follow him, and he complained of her undying love.

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举报 zxcv963

The Story Of Narcissus: 水仙花的故事 Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and he was very, very handsome. Many women fell in love with him, but he turned them away. One of the women who loved Narcissus was a nymph called Echo. Echo could not speak properly - she could only repeat what was said to her, so she couldn't tell Narcissus that she loved him. One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he became separated from them. He called out "Is anyone here?" Echo replied "Here, Here". Echo stepped forward with open arms, wanting to cuddle him. But Narcissus refused to accept Echo's love. Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave, until nothing was left of her, except her voice. 从前有个男孩,他的名字叫做"Narcissus"水仙.身为一名天神的儿子他长得十分英俊.有许多爱慕着他的少女向他示爱却都被他拒绝了.在爱慕着他的众多少女中有位美丽的仙女做做"Echo"(回音),由于Echo不能正常得说出想说的话而只能不断得重复别人的言语所以她并不能清楚的告诉Narcissus她对他的爱意.有天当Narcissus和他的几个朋友在森林中漫步时和其他的朋友走失了.他喊到"有人在吗?"Echo也说"有人在吗?"Echo上前想抱住Narcissus却被Narcissus拒绝了Echo非常得伤心,她跑到一个无人的山洞,一直待到她的外形完全消失只剩下她的声音能被人们所听到. The Maiden, a goddess, found out about this, and she was very angry. She made Narcissus fall in love with himself. When Narcissus looked at his reflection in a pond one day, he fell in love. He stayed on that spot forever, until he died one day. Where he died a flower grew, and that flower is called a Narcissus. 一名女神听说了这件事.她非常得愤怒,并用神力使Narcissus爱上了他自己.当Narcissus在湖泊的水边看到自己的影子时,他顿时爱上了水中的人.他一直待在那湖边,直到渐渐死去,在他死的地方长出许多的野花,这种话被人们取名叫做Narcissus(水仙花).

wyeyou082 举报


wyeyou082 举报


举报 zxcv963

这是两个故事…… 上面那个只有136个字啊……下面那个更短啊…… 上面是Echo的故事,下面才是Narcissus的故事啊…… 别的我找不到了……

wyeyou082 举报


wyeyou082 举报


举报 zxcv963

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