英语翻译、是小故事- - 把诚实的樵夫 翻译成 英语就行. 谢谢了. 从前,有个樵夫.一天,他到森林里去砍一棵树.这棵树

是小故事- - 把诚实的樵夫 翻译成 英语就行. 谢谢了. 从前,有个樵夫.一天,他到森林里去砍一棵树.这棵树就长在一条祭礼麦库尔神的河边.砍树时,这个人一不小心,将斧头掉进水里,再也没法捞上来了.他非常伤心,绝望地坐在河边,不禁难过地哭起来了.这位穷人的眼泪感动了麦库尔神.他突然出现在樵夫的面前,亲切地问道:“你为什么哭泣?”樵夫答道:“我的斧子掉进河里去了,我再也找不到它啦.”这时,麦库尔神从怀里取出一把金斧子问道:“你丢失的是这把斧子么?”这个穷人答道:“不,不是这一把.”说着,麦库尔神又取出一把银斧头:“这把斧子是你的么?”诚实的樵夫仍然摇摇头说:“不,不是的.”最后,麦库尔神拿出一把铁斧子给他看,樵夫马上喊道:“对,这把正是我的斧子.”麦库尔神见这位贫穷的樵夫如此正直诚朴,便将这三把斧子统统送给他了.
别从翻译上弄下来 。 那些都是有误差的、
kphero123 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

song_xiaobo582 花朵

共回答了18个问题采纳率:94.4% 举报

The Greek version of the story tells of a woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into a river and,because this was his only means of livelihood,sat down and wept.Taking pity on him,the god Hermes (better known as Mercury) dived into the water and returned with a golden axe.Was this what he had lost,Hermes asked,but the woodcutter said it was not,and returned the same answer when a silver axe was brought to the surface.Only when his own tool is produced does he claim it.Impressed by his honesty,the god allows him to keep all three.Hearing of the man's good fortune,an envious neighbour threw his own axe into the river and wailed for its return.When Hermes appeared and offered him a golden axe,the man greedily claimed it but was denied both that and the return of his own axe.
保证质量 不是在线随便翻译的



auguest973 幼苗

共回答了14个问题采纳率:64.3% 举报

There was once a poor, but honest Woodsman who lived with his family in a forest. He worked hard, cutting down trees so he could sell the firewood. This is how he supported his family. All day long yo...



似醉还未醉之间 幼苗

共回答了8个问题 举报

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter. One day, he went to the forest to chop down a tree. This tree will grow in a cult McCool er god river. Cut down a tree, the man carelessly, the axe head fell ...


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