关于这几个句子的英语语法问题1.The apartment owned (own) by the man is loca

1.The apartment owned (own) by the man is located in the city center.为什么用owned不用is owned
2.To find (find) the book that I needed,I had to look almost everywhere.为什么用to find不用finding
3.He was very happy to know his dog being taken(take) good care of when he was on business.为什么用being taken而不用was taken,直接写taken可以吗
4.My friend called me,hoping to visit me at the weekend.为什么用hoping而不用hoped
5.In the latest research at Stanford University,California,scientists finished turning stem cells-blank cells which can change into other cell types-into the hairs found(find) in the inner ear.为什么用found而不用were found
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金子9k 花朵

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

1.其实句子是这样的The apartment (which is) owned by the man is located in the city center.这里的which is owned by the man是定语从句修饰the apartment.而,which is要同时省略,如果不同时省略就成了这样The apartment is owned by the man is located in the city center.这是就出现了两个谓语is located和is,从语法上说,是错误的,因为一个英语简单句子中,不能同时有两个谓语,所以用从句.因此这句话的意思是:这个男士所拥有的公寓在市中心.
2.to find和finding其实都是非谓语动词的知识,这里To find其实前面省略了in order,表示目的.这里的要点是,to do sth在句首表目的.句意是:为了找到我需要的那本书,我不得不找遍几乎所有地方.
3.这句话不仅有非谓语动词的知识,还有时态的知识.首先when he was on business在她出差期间,表示的是过去的一个时间段正在进行.在这里有时态的限制,所以taken没有being taken准确.另外,为什么不用was taken,原因跟第一题相似,这句话是his dog (which was) being taken good care of这里which was 同时省略.这句话啊:当他知道在他出差期间,狗受到了很好的照顾时,他很开心.
4.这里是非谓语动词的用法 hoping是主动,hoped是被动.那么这句话主语是My friend,希望当然是主动.不过不能单纯的从中文角度看主被动,要从单词的搭配.某人希望某事,Sb hope to do sth 而不是 sb be hoped to do sth.这句话就是:My friend called me and hoped to visit me at the weekend.把and hoped变成hoping做非谓语动词.这里的hoped不是被动,而是过去时态.这句话是:我朋友打电话给我说周末想来看我.
5.对于你提的问题,根据上面的,你应该知道了,这里是(which are) found in the inner ear.同时省略.不过句子我帮你分析一下:
2.主句是:科学家们完成了把干细胞---blank cells which can change into other types---是做补充说明,解释stem cells,可以括起来不看.那么这句话可以这样看:Scientists finished turning stem cells into the hairs (which are) found in the ear.就算科学家们把干细胞植入了内耳的毛发中.这样分析句子尤为简单有效,对于做单选题更适合不过了.
Last hope you a successful future!


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