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蛤蜊001 春芽

共回答了13个问题采纳率:100% 举报


号听 力阅 读

得 分
第一部分 听力与表达(满分30分)
一、Listen and number the pictures
本大题共有5小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,请选择与对话内容相符的正确图画, 并在其右下方的方框中打勾().听一遍.(每小题2分,满分10分)
1.What’s on the chair?

2.Which is the right picture?

3.Which card is the man’s?

4.What festival do you think it might be?

5. What does the girl like best?

二、Listen and choose the right picture
本大题共有5小题,每小题你将听到一段对话.听完后,从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合对话内容的答案, 并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内.听一遍.(每小题2分,满分10分)
( )⒈ Where is the little girl?
A. In the park. B. At home. C. In the hospital.
( )⒉ What are they talking about?
A. About lessons. B. About computers. C. About the earth.
( )⒊ What does the man mean?
A. He doesn’t like the picture.
B. He likes the picture.
C. He has nothing to say about the picture.
( )⒋ What will the two people do?
A. They will wait and then decide what to do.
B. They have no time to decide what to do.
C. They think the good time for them to start has come.
( )⒌ How is she feeling now?
A. She is sad.
B. She is tired.
C. She is thirsty.
三、Listen and connect

得 分
第二部分 阅读与表达(满分30分)
一、Read and match
1. “What’s eating you?” a..We have to study now.
2..“It’s raining cats and dogs.” b. What’s the matter?
3. “It’s time to hit the books.” c. It was very easy.
4. “The test was a piece of cake.” d. It’s a very big storm.
5. “We promise to give you a ring.” e. We’ll call you.
二、Read and fill in the answers
Sam woke up suddenly. Someone was moving around in the next room. Maybe it’s grandma, getting a drink of water,” he told himself.

But the next room was the living room. It wasn’t near the kitchen. There was only grandma in the house with him then. He looked at his watch- three thirty! Too early for grandma to get up!
He got out of bed and opened the door very quietly. The window was open – wide open. Standing near it was a man, looking in the box on the desk. Grandma kept her money and papers in there!
He thought quickly. Yes, the radio! He turned it on and a man’s voice filled the room. Frightened, the thief dropped Grandma’s papers. He jumped out onto the balcony. Then he jumped down two floors to the ground. He gave a shout. His leg was bent under his body. Grandma was awake and she phoned the police at once. The thief couldn’t get up, because his leg was broken. When the police arrived, they were very pleased. “Well done, Sam,” said the police officer. “The man is a well-known thief.” Then he said to Sam’s grandma, “You should keep your money in a bank!”
I. 根据故事情节,用数字2---6表示其发生的先后顺序, 并写在句子前的括号内.(答案1已给出)(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
( 1 ) He got into the house.
( ) He jumped out of the window.
( ) He found some papers and money in the box.
( ) The police caught him.
( ) He jumped off the balcony and broke his leg.
( ) Suddenly, he heard a man’s voice.
II. 根据故事内容,从a,d,c,d,e 中找到能完成下面5个句子的选项,并将其字母写在题前的括号内.(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
( ) 1. Sam woke up . a. were not at home
( ) 2. Grandma’s money and papers . b. with what Sam had done
( ) 3. The police were pleased . c. should not be kept in the box
( ) 4. The radio made the thief . d. for the noise in the next room
( ) 5. Sam’s parents . e. get out of the house
III.在方框中找到下列单词的反义词,并将该单词写在横线上.(其中有两个单词是多余的) (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
far narrow slowly empty
pick up quietly leave turn
For example:
near far
1. quickly 
2. drop _________________
3. arrive _________________
4. wide _________________
5. fill _________________
三、Read and number the pictures
Make a monkey face puzzle for your friend’s birthday. You need: scissors, cardboard, glue, wrapping paper
⒈ Colour the monkey face puzzle. ⒉ Cut it out.
⒊ Stick it on the cardboard. ⒋ Cut along the dotted lines.
⒌ Put the puzzle in a box. Wrap it. ⒍ Give it to your friend.

四、Read and circle the answer
With the right medicine, a cold will last for seven days. With no medicine, it will go on for a whole week. There are seven days in a week. The doctor tells us playfully that a cold will go on for at least a week, if we take medicines or not.
What can we know from the reading?
A . Taking medicines will not make the cold go away faster.
B . With the doctor’s help, we’ll be all right very soon.
B卷 略


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