
hotrain99 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

tonghualgl 幼苗

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Li River in the beautiful sand,sits a beautiful old city,she is my home Luohe.Luohe is now dynamic.A street leading the people's footsteps,the building blocks of a man with hard work Luohe,a seat representing the never-ending advance workshop,groups of pigeons flying our hope; the current rapid development of Luohe.As the leader in Luohe Shuanghui economy,led the food industry and the Luohe Luohe economic development,Central China Food Festival ushered in a national or foreign businessmen and investors,now has become the Central Plains Food Luohe city,people to see each Luohe Luohe forward with every step,looking at how the rapid development of Luohe; now Luohe is beautiful.Sha Li River on both sides,banks of clear,green grass,and my favorite is Paradise Road,then the width of the road,even the summer sun can never expect through the layers of branches,the whole road is like Alice The wonderland of silk traveled,hard to forget.Other way,too.I think any one who visited Luohe can not forget her by the outpouring of life everywhere ......


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