protect the earth英语作文

janlin2007 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

紫依1900 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:93.3% 举报

  The earth is our home to live so we should try our best to protect it .We can do many things in helping our earth.
  First we can plant more trees to fresh the air around us,which will benefit us.Second we should educate people not to cut down the trees for other use.Third we should persuade some factories not to pour the waste water to the rivers or the seas in order to reduce the pollution.Finally we should make everybody aware of the danger we are in and call on them to do something for our earth.
  Protecting the earth is protecting ourselves .Everybody has the responsibility to protect it.We should spare no effort to take the responsibility because the earth is the only place for us to live on.


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