英语选择填空( )1.-I'm getting fatter and fatter,what s

( )1.-I'm getting fatter and fatter,what should I do,doctor? -You'd better eat_____food and take_____exercise. A.less,less B.more,more C.more,less D,less more( )2.Before 1990 there was no airline_____the two cities.
A.along B.in C.between D.among
( )3.Let's have a rest,_____?
A.won't you B.will you C.don't you D.shall we
( )4.They____all their money,so they have to walk home.
A.spend B.had spent C.have spent D.will spent
( )5.Do you know the woman_____hair is white?
A.who B.that C.whose D.which
金葫先生 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

keerayrast 幼苗

共回答了13个问题采纳率:84.6% 举报

1 D
2 C
3 D
4 C
5 C


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