1.If _______ operation succeeds,David will be able to lead _

1.If _______ operation succeeds,David will be able to lead ________ normal life again.
A.不填;the B.the;the C.the;a D.不填;a
2.Lily,together with her parents,_______ in the train crash last month.
A.was injured B.were injured C.is injured D.are injured
3.She would rather remain poor than _______ money in a dishonest way.
A.getting B.get C.to get D.got
4.-What were the children doing when you entered the room?
---They arguing _______ each other _______ which TV program to watch.
A.against;about B.with;about C.with;for Dagainst;for
5.John was very busy that night._______,he didn't go to Mary's birthday party.
A.However B.Therefore C.Anyway D.Besides
6.The small village has been _______ from the outside world by floods for two days.
A.turned off B.put off C.washed off D.cut off
7.After retiring,Mrs.Black decided to devote all her time to _______ those homeless children.
A.helping B.help C.be helping D.being helped
8.-What Tom had said turned out right.
---Oh,yes.I regret _______ hisadvice.
A.to make B.taking C.not to take D.not taking
9.Mike went out early in the morning and only at midnight _______ back home.
A.he did come B.he came C.did he come D.came he
10._______ my mother,it is a good idea to drink plenty of water when you have a fever.
A.Thanks to B.With the support of C.According to DWith the hope of
11.The thief was observed ________ things in the supermarket and was caught on the spot.
A.stole B.steal C.stolen D.stealing
12.Prices are rising.This table costs us 1,000 dollars,which is _______ the same one you bought last week.
A.as much as twice B.as twice much as C.twice as much as D.as much twice as
豌豆豆豆 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

yangsk 幼苗

共回答了24个问题采纳率:87.5% 举报

我的答案是CABBBDADCCDC 最多会有1或2个错误吧



sitinchair 幼苗

共回答了305个问题 举报

1.If _______ operation succeeds,David will be able to lead ________ normal life again.
2.Lily,together with her parents,_______ in the train crash last month.
A.was injured



你肩头的蜻蜓 幼苗

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fenhongse 幼苗

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