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xiaojindou 幼苗

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我们来到车站.这里的人真多呀!大伙儿都站在路边焦急地等车.今天天气骄阳似火,我和妈妈挤在人群里,不一会儿我们就热得汗流浃背.等了将近20分钟,才来了一辆车.大伙儿都争先恐后地挤了上去.我因为人小、动作灵活,抢上了两个座位,我和妈妈赶紧坐下,打开窗户.我瘫在座位上,有气无力地说:“哎呦!真是累死我了!”就在车快开时,一个阿姨一手抱着一个孩子,一手领着一个孩子艰难地上了车.这时车上所有的座位都被坐满了,那个阿姨只好站着.我想:我的座位是好不容易才抢到的,我才不会让给她呢!这时,车上一位年迈的老爷爷起身叫那个阿姨带孩子到他的座位上坐.那个阿姨见让位的是一位老大爷,就推辞说:“不用了,谢谢!您这么大年纪了,您应该坐.”那位老爷爷说:“没事儿,我身体可好了!你带了两个孩子,你不坐孩子得坐呀!”那个阿姨见推辞不了,就坐下了.这时我心里不由得产生一股敬佩之情.我想:在这么热的夏天,谁不想舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,打开窗户凉快凉快? 可是这位老爷爷却甘心把座位让给了那位阿姨,自己站着,这是一种多么可贵的精神啊! 比起他来,我可差远了.光想着自己,不考虑别人.我一想起自己刚才的行为就感到羞愧.和那位老爷爷比起来,我真是太渺小了.
Today is the weekend, I finished the work early on. Under in my mother finally agreed to take me to the water park to play. We are happy to hit the road.
We came to the station. Here people are really more than you! They all have stood on the roadside waiting anxiously. Sea the weather today, I and my mother in the crowd crowded, hot and pretty soon we sweat. And so on for nearly 20 minutes, only to a car. Everyone is scrambling to get crowded. Because I am small, flexible movements, and looting on the two seats, and I hastened to her mother to sit down, open the windows. I am paralyzed in their seats, and said feebly: Really exhausted me!" Soon opened in the car, one aunt had a child single-handedly, single-handedly led a child got difficult. At this time all the car seats have been filled, the aunt had no choice but to stand. I would like to: I managed to get seats, I will not let her do! At this time, the vehicle of an elderly aunt grandfather got up and called the children to sit on his seat. Aunt see that the way is a grandfather, on the decline, said: "No, thank you! You such a great age, you should sit." Grandfather who said: "all right, my body has! You with two children, you do not have to take the children to sit it! "The decline can not see her aunt, on the seat. At this time my heart could not help but have a feeling of admiration. I think: so hot in the summer, who would not want to sit comfortably in a chair, open the windows cool cool? But the grandfather was willing to give a seat aunt who own standing, which is a how valuable spirit ah! than him, I can be far worse. Think of their own light, does not consider other people. I think of what you just ashamed of the behavior. And grandfather than that, I really had little.
Thought here, I quickly walked over to his grandfather seat, his own standing. Although the car park to reach the water when I could barely stand legs Ma, but I am glad, because I tasted the joy of helping others.



cl88500699 幼苗

共回答了5个问题 举报

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