定格在心中的画面 作文快

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liutongchao 花朵

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Fixed in the heart of the moment
Childhood,with his father in the sea in the book of the tiny spots,in my voice shouted ceased to exist,only to see his father of white hair,just remember these,remembered his father's face shine luster,think of this vast world,he is only my father.
I remember when I was young,my father always read a book,and I together at that time,my father and knowledge is exchanged.But with age,I began to alienate my father.Until one day,the father took a book with me to discuss,at this point I didn't do well on the exam,my heart very depressed.See father came along,I grievances out on all of a sudden,he shouted:"you don't bother!" You should just fell he would go down.And he that helpless expression,deeply has seized me,my heart is little regret.From then on,I never ask his father,but to my questions posted to the web,are the same person,strange but each time to answer my question?Who is this man?He was familiar with me?These problems have been puzzling me.
One day,because the teacher meeting,I also got home,suddenly,I heard the keyboard sound,who is in the computer?Is the father?That won't happen,will it.He even how to boot is not ah!So,I make one's way noiselessly to leave the room,looked -- father in the use of computer!Look again carefully,found his father in answer to my question.Suddenly I see light suddenly,the original,these days,has been quietly to help my father in.In his father's behind a computer usage,"crash" touched me deeply,I began to regret,regret that his father with a roar,he destroyed my father and I love?I do not know when,my eyes turned red,his eyes misty,tears,nasal hoarseness.That is,the father seemed to notice me,turned his head,embarrassing said to me:"you?What symptom?waiting for?" "Dad,you have worked hard!" I'm a jumped into the bosom of the father?
These feelings of not worth mentioning is the most easily accepted by the people,cherish.Indeed,my forever in my heart.

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举报 liutongchao

四季的画面定格2012-02-28 作者: 高怀立 字数: 606 阅读: 0语言描写让人放声高歌 四季的画面定格 是春,为茫茫的白雪世界增添了鲜活的色彩;是夏,为宁静的海边带来了几分欢笑;是秋,为满山的树叶换上红衫;是冬,为繁杂的都市渲染了一丝安逸。 春天,树叶绿了,冰河开了,花苞绽放了。衣着鲜艳的孩子们在草地上奔跑,手中的风筝线,随着风,越拉越长……“咔咔”,画面就此定格。夏天,炎热的阳光撒在金色的沙滩上,一张张笑脸迎着海风传达着欢乐的气息,长发肆意地披在肩上,背后、留下一行行深浅的足迹……按下快捷键,时间仅指此刻。秋天,叶子渐渐红了,是秋姑娘的魅力感染了冷峻的崇山,使他换掉了往日的“青妆”变得火红,为诗意的秋天,又增加了激情……手指迅速下按,留住这片火红。冬天,空中飞舞着可爱的雪精灵,太阳公公照耀着静谧的白色世界,一缕阳光投影在雪地上,纯洁的耀眼……时间仿佛不再运转,停留在这冬日暖阳。 语言描写让人心酸 来世更幸福 终于,那个在烈日下劳作的背影倒在了黄土地上。男孩已经好几个星期没有上学了,他整日整夜的守护在母亲的病床前。有一天,母亲轻轻地睁开眼睛,看着自己的儿子重重的黑眼圈,她心疼的说:“儿子,是妈妈不好,如果有来世,你一定不要再做我的儿子,不要再跟着我吃苦!”男孩紧握母亲的手:“妈,如果有来世,我一定还做您的儿子,您的好儿子。我要给您幸福的生活!”母亲摇着头,眼眶充满了泪水,渐渐地她闭上了眼睛,男孩在她耳边不断的说:“如果有来世,我一定……” 望采纳!
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