
内容:如题,有一定说服力(keep the faith).在一个人的信仰有些动摇时适用,但不是劝戒而是陈述,因为是他回想起曾经看过的一段文字.如果实在找不到英文找中文,但标一下出自的篇目~
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Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.--Rabindranath Tagore
Oh,the comfort,the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor to measure words but to pour them all out,just as it is,chaff and grain together,knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them,keeping what is worth keeping,and then,with the breath of kindness,blow the rest away.-- George Elliot
Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.--St.Augustine
Faith is not something to grasp,it is a state to grow into.-- Mahatama Gandhi
Take the first step in faith.You don't have to see the whole staircase,just take the first step.-- Martin Luther King Jr.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.--Bible
Faith is the highest passion in a human being.Many in every generation may not come that far,but none comes further.-- Soren Kierkegaard
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious,too greedy,or too impatient.To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed,but lack of faith.Patience,patience,patience,is what the sea teaches.Patience and faith.One should lie empty,open,choiceless as a beach--waiting for a gift from the sea.-- Anne Morrow Lindberg
Use your gifts faithfully,and they shall be enlarged; practice what you know,and you shall attain to higher knowledge.-- Matthew Arnold
That's the thing about faith.If you don't have it you can't understand it.And if you do,no explanation is necessary.-- Major Kira Nerys
Life is a battle between faith and reason in which each feeds upon the other,drawing sustenance from it and destroying it.-- Reinhold Niebuhr
It is good to dream,but it is better to dream and work.Faith is mighty,but action with faith is mightier.Desiring is helpful,but work and desire are invincible.-- Thomas Robert Gaines
Faith is not belief without proof,but trust without reservation.-- Elton Trueblood
Faith...Must be enforced by reason...When faith becomes blind it dies.-- Mahatma Gandhi


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