英语翻译宝贝 时间过的真的很快 呵 很久没有这么叫过你了 只是 我仍旧放不下你 我感觉自己像个小偷一样 每天默默地 偷偷

宝贝 时间过的真的很快 呵 很久没有这么叫过你了 只是 我仍旧放不下你 我感觉自己像个小偷一样 每天默默地 偷偷的看关于你的一切 日记有没有更新 最近过得怎么样 看校内里面 你传的照片 看你最近发生了什么事 生病了没有 因为什么事情而烦恼 或者 呵 和你的那个他好不好 总是那样 很小心的很小心的关注着关于你的一切 我表面装的漠不关心 如果我真的可以做到漠不关心就好了 呵 毕竟是这么久了 每次上网 只要看见你在 都很想很想和你说话 可我怕叫了你会尴尬 所以 我只能 每过几分钟就看一次你还在不在
我每天都会写一篇日记 只写给你看的日记 虽然你看不到 呵 写我每天想对你说的那些话 写我最近又发生了什么事情 到今天为止 已经整整63天了 原来 时间真的可以过得很快很快 宝贝 我真的好想再看到yatou today看到你对我傻傻的笑
上次给你寄的东西 我从来就没有想到 你会打电话给我 你告诉我花盆碎掉了 我真的听到你哭了 我知道你一定哭了 呵 宝贝 我当时装的若无其事 现在想想 我真的很愚蠢 后来我就一直在猜 到底是因为什么而哭?一个花盆碎了而已
昨天 看到你传了一张脸破了的照片 宝贝 当时真的真的想马上打电话问问你 那到底是怎么搞的 看起来像打架的结果 因为你半张脸都是红红的 最后 呵 宝贝 我还是没有问你 没有勇气问你 我算什么 我到底算什么 我哪里能有那么大的权利管那些
宝贝 我一直都很好奇 你最近都发生了什么 一会儿很开心 一会儿很暴躁 一会儿又很失落 宝贝宝贝 不管发生什么 真的希望你永远都好好的 永远都能那样傻傻的笑的很开心 宝贝还记得我说的吗 你永远都是独一无二的 永远
我不要用翻译软件翻译的 我真的很诚心的希望可以人工翻译的人帮帮忙 翻译的好 真的
waitsug 1年前 已收到6个回答 举报

saab-95 春芽

共回答了18个问题采纳率:94.4% 举报

Baby,how time flies!I haven’t called you “baby” for a long time.But ,I really can’t get you out of my life.I observe you ,read everything about you everyday,just like a thief is stealing something .You didn’t update your diary.How’s your life recently I saw the photo you uploaded on the school website.What’s happening to you recently?Are you feeling ill?What do you worry about?Are you getting on well with your “boyfriend”?I always care about everything about you,through I pretend to be in different.It would be nice if I can really be indifferent.For such a long time ,every time I saw you on line ,I wanted to chat with you .But I was afraid that if I sent words to you ,you would be embarrassed.All I could do is to see whether you were still on line every several munutes.
I keep writing diary every day ,which is written for you.,though you cant see them.I write the words I want to tell you ,and what happens to me these days.It’s totally 63 days up to today !Now I realize that time goes so quickly !Baby,I long to see you smile at me ,just like before.
I didn’t expect you to call me upon receiving my package to you last time.You told me that the flower pot was broken ,I heard you cry.I knew you cried !Baby,I pretended that nothing happened .I was so stupid to do that !And from then on ,I keep guessing that what made you cry .it’s not worth to cry just because a broken flowerpot.
I saw you upload a wounded face yesterday.Baby ,I really wanted to call you to ask the reason .What happened It seemed that you fought with someone !Half of your face is red .But finally ,I didn’t have the courage to ask you .What the hell am I to you How could I have the right to care for you
Baby ,I am wondering what happened to you these days .Sometimes you are happy ,sometimes you are irritable ,sometimes you are sad .Baby,no matter what happened to you ,I really hope you will be well and smile purely all the time.Baby don’t you remember I used to say that you are the only one ,forever !



yutian15 幼苗

共回答了9个问题 举报

Treasure time really very quick very long such has not been called you is only I still could not lay down your me to feel how oneself elephant thief looking at secretly did have the renewal about your...



九龙峡红狐 幼苗

共回答了9个问题 举报




猿粪哟 幼苗

共回答了3个问题 举报

Baby time off really fast for a long time Oh you did not call so I just had to fit you, I still feel like a thief like to see the day quietly slipped on all of your diary has been upd...



hr278015834 幼苗

共回答了2个问题 举报

Baby time off really fast for a long time Oh you did not call so I just had to fit you, I still feel like a thief like to see the day quietly slipped on all of your diary has been updated recently to ...



yangruilian 幼苗

共回答了1个问题 举报

莲の芯 -她写得还可以
every several munutes
I long to see you smile at me ,
smile purely all the time


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