
  1. something(.You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is. )

  2. 然而牛津的解释(a thing that is not known or mentioned by name)(反正我就感觉something是单数,复数.虽然谓语就是单数的)


she earns something in the order of £80,000 a year.她一年赚八万英镑.

we stopped for something to eat.我们停下来吃点东西(给我的感觉就是复数,不像字典的解释:a thing)

there‘s something wrong with the TV

she's a professor of something or other at Leeds

he has 【something in】 television=(has a job connected with)这一句就懂了.

the car hit a tree or something

i could eat a little something. there's something about this place that frightened me.

give me something to do.


jswhb3456 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

aaan34670 幼苗

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something 有三种词性


  你提到的第一种解释 “to refer to a thing,situation,event,or idea,without saying exactly what it is” 和牛津的解释 “a thing that is not known or mentioned by name” 意思没有根本区别.前者意思是“提到的是在没有明确说出来具体所指的是什么情况下的一种事物、情况、事情或想法”,后者的意思是“未知的或指明的一类事物”.

  用作 主语、表语、名词性表语或同位语.如原例:

She earns something in the order of £80,000 a year.她一年大约赚八万英镑.【earns 的宾语,指代未确定具体数字的年薪,等于 some salary】
We stopped for something to eat.我们停下来吃点东西.【介词for 的宾语,指代某类食物】(另注:a thing 本身就是类指,a 其实就是 some 的弱化,既包括可数名词,也包括不可数名词,此处就是指代不可数名词somefood)
There‘s something wrong with the TV.电视出了故障.【存在句中的主语,wrong 是后置定语,指代出了毛病的某个部件,等于 some part】
She's a professor of something or other at Leeds.她在利兹是某个学科的一名教授.【介词 of 的宾语,指代某个学科或领域,等于 some object/field】
The car hit a tree or something.汽车撞上一颗树之类的东西.【hit 的宾语,指代类似 tree 的另一种东西,等于another sort of thing】
There's something about this place that frightened me.在这个曾经使我害怕地方的周围有某种令人恐怖的东西【存在句中的主语,指代some frightening thing】


I could eat a little something.我能稍微吃那么一点.【修饰动词eat】
She looks something like her mother.她看上去有点象她妈妈.【修饰动词looks】
He is something impatient.他有点儿不耐烦.【修饰形容词 impatient】
It rained something awful last night. 昨晚雨下得相当大.【修饰形容词 awful】


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