划分下列句子成分:1、we make clothes that fit perfectly.

划分下列句子成分:1、we make clothes that fit perfectly.
2、95% of our custormers agree that our clothes fit them very well.
3、Usually,finding a pair of pants or a skirt that fits perfectly is like finding the winning numbers in the lottery.
娜006 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

Medusa1009 幼苗

共回答了18个问题采纳率:83.3% 举报

1、we 主语make谓语 clothes宾语 that fit perfectly 补句.
2、95% of our custormers主语agree 谓语that our clothes fit them very well比喻从句.
3、Usually状语,finding a pair of pants or a skirt 动名词短语作主语that fits perfectly 同位语(补充说明先行词)is like (系动词作谓语)finding the winning numbers in the lottery(表语).


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