
1. 买零食
2. 买MP4、时尚衣服
3. ... ...
4. 我认为:问题. 建议.
I did a survey on students spend thier pocket money._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
airray 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

须陀含尼 花朵

共回答了22个问题采纳率:95.5% 举报

I did a survey on how students spend their pocket money. The people I surveyed included my classmates and friends. From the findings, most of them spent money on buying snacks, MP4 players, fashion, small decorative toys and trend magazines. These let them feel that they were close to the trend among friends. However, this created a problem of no slack money for other purposes like donation to help others in need, and no saving habits.
I think saving habit is important for students to allow them to plan for their future. This also allow them to learn that money is not easy to gain.

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airray 举报

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