the league of Augsburg

the league of Augsburg
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League of Augsburg
In October 1685 Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau,revoking the Edict of Nantes,ending toleration of Protestants in France.[30] About 200,000 French Protestants (Huguenots) were forced to flee the country including many merchants,industrialists,soldiers and sailors.Although the Dutch benefited from the exodus with the increase of 9,000 sailors and 12,600 soldiers,the flight helped destroy the pro-French group in the Dutch Republic,not only because of their Protestant affiliations,but with the exodus of Huguenot merchants (who often acted as Dutch commercial agents),and the harassment of Dutch merchants living in France,it also greatly affected Franco-Dutch trade.[30]
In England there was growing concern over James’ Catholicism but his treatment of the Huguenots within the country reflected the king’s principles:on a human level he sympathized with their persecution (realising also that it would be looked upon unfavourably by his mainly Protestant subjects if he did nothing),but on the other hand he distrusted them on political grounds.[31] Elsewhere,in Brandenburg-Prussia the horrified Calvinist Elector,Frederick William,allied himself with the Dutch,as did Brandenburg’s Baltic rival,the Swedes.[32] The persecution did not,in itself,lead to a Protestant coalition against France,but in July 1686 the states of southern and western Germany (including Bavaria and the Palatinate),together with the Emperor,Spain and Sweden (in their capacity as princes within the Empire) formed the League of Augsburg to defend the treaties of Westphalia,Nijmegen and Regensburg.[33]
Initially the League posed little threat to Louis,but during 1686/87 Leopold made substantial progress against the Turks at Buda and Mohács.The subsequent revolt within the Turkish army and deposition of Sultan Mehmed IV paralysed the Ottomans,enabling Leopold’s forces to move on Belgrade the following year.[33] These remarkable victories had a profound effect on Europe.In contrast to Louis who had refused to help,both Protestant and Catholic princes extolled Leopold as a champion of Christendom; almost overnight the French king’s support in Germany disintegrated and Louis was branded as the ‘Christian Turk’


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