一篇阅读、In California,about half of our energy is used by the t

In California,about half of our energy is used by the transportation(运输) sector (部门).We spend $100 billion a year on transportation energy.Small changes in our transportation habits can save big energy.
One of the biggest energy saving tips is to speed up and brake(刹) your vehicle(车辆) gently.Quick starts and stops can decrease(减少) mileage(里程) by up to 12 percent.Use the cruise control whenever possible.It saves fuel by keeping your vehicle at a steady speed.
It’s easy to plan your trips so you won’t get stuck in traffic jams.Listen to radio reports to find crowded areas and take other routes.Avoid rush hour traffic if you can.Stop-and-go traffic is stressful and unpleasant,and it’s bad for your car’s gas mileage.
Using your car’s air conditioner decreases gas mileage by as much as 20 percent.When you first get into a hot car,cool it down --- roll down the windows,open the vents(通风口) and pull back the sunroof.Then,in more moderate weather,perhaps you can use the flow-through ventilation(通风) on your car instead of the air conditioner.At low speeds,it’s effective to open a window to stay cool.At highway speeds,modern cars are more fuel efficient(高效) with the air conditioning on than with it off and the windows down.
One energy saving tip is to park in a shady place in hot weather.You won’t have to start the air conditioning to cool it down then.
Avoid carrying items on your car’s roof,whenever possible.A loaded roof increases your car’s air drag and pulls down your car’s mileage by 5 percent.
56.What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To teach people how to buy cheap fuel.
B.To show what can decrease a car’s mileage.
C.To tell us how to save energy when driving a car.
D.To explain why some cars are fuel efficient.
57.The underlined par “cruise control” may be a kind of equipment to .
A.tell how much oil is left B.control a car’s speed
C.show the traffic condition D.point out directions
58.What should we do to save energy when driving modern cars on highways?
A.Close the windows and turn on the air conditioning.
B.Pull back the sunroof.
C.Open a window to stay cool.
D.Use the flow-through ventilation.
59.What reduces a car’s mileage most?
A.Quick starts and stops B.Driving in cool weather
C.Use of the air conditioning D.A loaded roof
60.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.About half of California’s energy is used by the transportation sector.
B.The author thinks it’s easy to get stuck in traffic jams.
C.Rush hour traffic is bad for a car’s gar mileage.
D.We should park cars in cool places to save energy.
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underlined ['ʌndə,laind] adj.下划线的
例句:to underline a sentence
例句:In his speech he underlined several points.



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