
Digestion of the major foodstuffs is an orderly process involving the action large number of digestive enzymes.(消化主食是一个需要大量消化酶活动的有序过程)
Some of there enzymes are found in the secrtions of the salivary glands,the stomach,and the exocrine portion of the pancreas.(有一些酶是在唾液腺的分泌物,胃,胰腺的外分泌部分被发现的)
Other enzymes are found in the luminal membranes and the cytoplasm of the cells that line the small intestine.(另外的酶则是在胸腔和小肠内细胞的细胞质中被发现)
The action of the enzymes is aided by the hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach and the bile secreted by the liver.(酶的作用就是辅助胃分泌盐酸和肝脏分泌胆汁)
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xinyukl 幼苗

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Digestion of the major foodstuffs is an orderly process involving the action large number of digestive enzymes.定语从句.主:DIGESTION OF THE MAJOR 谓:IS 宾:AN ORDERLY PROCESS INVOLVING.原本是 ...process which involving...此处which省略
Some of there enzymes are found in the secrtions of the salivary glands,the stomach,and the exocrine portion of the pancreas.这句不是从句.主:SOME OF THESE ENZYMES 谓:ARE FOUND 宾:无(是言论发出者本身,此处未指明)
Other enzymes are found in the luminal membranes and the cytoplasm of the cells that line the small intestine.定语从句.主:OTHER ENZYMES 谓:ARE FOUND 宾:同上.从句 THAT LINE THE SMALL INTESTINE来确定是什么样的细胞
The action of the enzymes is aided by the hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach and the bile secreted by the liver.定语从句.主:THE ACTION OF THE ENZYMES 谓:IS AIDED BY 宾语:THE HYDROCHLORIC ACID.原本是THE HYDROCHLORIC ACID THAT SECRETED...此处that省略


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