1.This shirt is Tim's.(对划线部分提问)【Tim's划线】 ____ ____this___?2.

1.This shirt is Tim's.(对划线部分提问)【Tim's划线】 ____ ____this___?2.Yes,this car is Mr.Blake's.(根据回答提问) ____this____Mr.___?__this Mr.____ _____?3.That blue umbrella is my brother's.(根据回答提问) _____ ____that ____ _____?4.coat,sophie,is,that,not(连词成句) 5.翻译 1这把雨伞是谁的?2 这是谁的雨伞?3这是保罗的大衣吗?是的,这是他的大衣.4 可能这个房子是Richard的.5可能是Richard的房子.6那件衬衫是你姐姐的吗?不,它是我妈妈的.7那支钢笔是谁的?它是我爸爸的.
yrc0577 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

absp1982 花朵

共回答了20个问题采纳率:95% 举报

1- Who's shirt this is?2- IS this car Mr.Blaker's?Is this Mr.Blake's car?3- Who have that blue unbrella?4- That is not Sophie coat 5- 翻译 who's unbreala is that one?Whlo have this unbreala?Is this Polo's coat?Yes,it is.Maybe this is Richard house Maybe this rechard house Is that blouse your sisiters?No,it is my Mom's blouse Who's pen is that one?It's my dad's


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