
1.我的奶奶喜欢对我讲她年少时的经历。小时候她受了很多苦。她家里很穷,但是她是个意志坚定学习刻苦的人。她非常幸运,因为她恰巧在学校遇到了一位好老师。她说是她的老师把她带到了文学的世界。她还清楚地记得有一段时间除了阅读没有事情能使她着迷。从那时起,她便养成了在日记里记下一系列事情和某些特殊感受的习惯。这位她日后成为伟大的作家提供了很大帮助。 2.很多年前英语便开始被广泛的运用。在17世纪,英国人海上殖民扩张到世界各地,因此许多国家开始讲英语。尽管英语为母语的人讲的是不同的英语,他们仍然能互相理解。 一开始,英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。逐渐地,英语从其他语言借过来很多词汇。同时一些作家也在创造新的英语词汇上起了很大作用。所以,到莎士比亚时期,人们能够使用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大。
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1. My grandmother told me she likes youth experience. When she suffered a lot. Her family was very poor, but she is a tough-minded study hard. She was very lucky, because she happened to meet with a good teacher. She said that her teacher took her to the literary world. She also clearly remember a time besides reading nothing can make her. Since then, she was formed in a diary note a series of events and some special feeling of habit. The future of great writers, she helped provide. 2 many years ago English began to be widely used. In the 17th century, the British colonial expansion to sea world, so many countries began to speak English. Although English native speakers of English speaking is different, they still can understand each other. At the beginning, English based more on German, but today we say English. Gradually, the English language come from other borrowed many vocabulary. While some writers in the creation of new English words. Therefore, to Shakespeare, people can use vocabulary than any time before.


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