求一篇15句的初一英语短文 要求如下

求一篇15句的初一英语短文 要求如下
以My Parents为题,介绍自己的父母的年龄(40岁).姓名.爱好.职业.每天做的事情.对你的期望及要求等.不少于15句,字数不限.
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Tom and His Mother
“Mother,” said little Tom,“did you tell father I wanted a new bike?”
“Yes,dear,” said his mother.“I told him,but he said he couldn't afford to buy you one.”
“Of course he would say that.But what did you say?”
I told him how badly you wanted it and argued in favor of it,but he refused.
“Argued?Ah,mother,if it had been something you wanted you would have cried a little and then you'd have got it!”
It Is Out Too
One cold day,a friend of the Browns' went to visit them.The maid stopped him at the door.The friend asked,“Is Mr.Brown at home?” “No,he has gone out.” Replied the maid.“Is Mrs.Brown at home,then?” “No,she gone out.” “May I come in and sit by the stove?” “No,it has gone out,too.”


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