
What do you think has led to deterioration in security in the US?
猫zz123 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

rongaiwoma 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:88.2% 举报

-you konw now the security is gradually deteriorated,so why,and what's your opinion?
-yes.I think there are two reasons.
-Ah,go on.
-Firstly,the gap between rich and poor is gradually widened.
-SO what's the relation between them?
-IF the poor people get worse,some of them will rack their brain to get money to live on.Then,some crimes happen.This will threaten the security.
-And the second?
-The second reason,I think,is the imperfect legal system.
-The legal system?
-yeah,the legal system.It directly relates to the social security.Providing there is a legal loophole,some people will seek this loophole to their onw advantage.
-Yes,I truely agree,but I think the first one takes more effect.
-Yeah,to some degree.
-Ok,thanks very much.


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