初二英语阅读追加200分Fire can help people in many ways.But it can als

Fire can help people in many ways.But it can also be very harmful.Fire can make water hot and house warm,give light and cook food.But fire can bum things,too.It can make trees,house animals and other things catch fire.If some people can't run away from fire,it can kill them.Sometimes big fire can burn forests and destroy many tall building.Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴).Children sometimes like to play with them.But matches can be very dangerous.The match can burn a piece of paper and then it can burn a house.A small fire can brcome a big fire.Fire kills many people every year.So you must be careful with fire.
matches can be dangerous because()
A they can make things catch fire
B they can burn a prece of paper
A 破坏 B炸毁 C毁坏 D粉碎
NOW people know fire can be()
A harmful B useful C AandB
Peter didn’t like to use his head. He never put his heart into his studies when he was at school. So he fell behind his classmates and couldn’t pass the exams and he hardly finished middle school. Later on he found work in a factory. At first he worked in an office, but he was unable to do his job. He was sent to a workshop. He had to do some unskilled work there. He was always tired when he got home and went to bed as soon as he had supper.
Once the young man asked a barber(理发师) to cut his long hair off. He found the work was clean and light. He decided to be a barber and he left the factory . He took the barber as his teacher . Three months passed, but he learned nothing and the barber lost his patience(耐心)and told him to go home. The young man stayed at home and had nothing to do. His father wanted others to believe Peter and asked his son to cut his hair off. The young man was so afraid that he cut his father’s ear off. The old man began to call out, “Ear! My ear!” Peter picked the ear up and said, “Stop, shouting, daddy! Your ear is here.”
Peterdidn't“ use his head so( )
A he was not good at all his lessons
B his father had to help him
Che found work in the factory
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