past simple 跟simple past 都是一个意思吗,可以反过来写吗!还有哪些grammar可以反过来写的

past simple 跟simple past 都是一个意思吗,可以反过来写吗!还有哪些grammar可以反过来写的
present perfect,relative pronouns,uncless clauses 还可以倒着写吗?还有哪些可以倒过来写!
the past tense跟present tense 有什么区别。
verb to be 是present tense,present tense 只是verb to be
verb to have 是什么tense呢。
past tense 只是was
tense时态是什么意思。为什么presentsimple 是时态
have got,has got,haven´t got,hasn´t got,or 都属于哪些grammar?present simple present simple 是不是就是 present tense,也就是verb to be!
verb tense 跟 present tense 什么区别
都有哪些present tense!
南梨夕 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

tanishz 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:94.1% 举报

英语是一种可以倒装的语言,所以:past simple tense跟simple past tense是一样意思的.
一如:a beautiful little gril = a little beautiful girl
simple present tense = present simple tense
simple past " = past simple "
past perfect " = perfect past "
future continuing " = continuing future"

1年前 追问


南梨夕 举报

麻烦您请看问题补充 ,还有四个月就出国了,我有情英语家教,我要自己先学一下,麻杆您帮忙,对我很重要!十分感谢。

举报 tanishz

present perfect 是现在完成式(时) 例: I have already eaten 我"已经"吃了(饭 / 东西) relative pronouns相关代名词 who, whom, whose, which, that unclass clauses 这里3个有点例外,只有 present perfect可以倒写。 the past tense跟present tense 的区别是: past tense 是过去式,例: I went to the zoo yesterday. present tense 则是现在式 例: I start school today. verb to be 现在式是 am is are ;过去式: was were 没有 verb to have tense时态是什么意思。为什么present simple 是时态? 因为英语跟中文不同,不同时态用不同的动词 例: 现在式present tense: go 过去式past tense则用 went. 而完成式perfect tense 是: gone. have got,has got 意思相同是"有 / 拥有",但have 是第一位(I 我)、第二位(you 你)和众数(We我们 / 你们 / 他们 /它们 they)用的。例: I have got / you have got / they have got 而 has 而是第三位单数(她she、他he、它it)用的。 例: He has got / she has got / it has got haven´t got, hasn´t got, 意思相同是"没有 / 没拥有",用法与上面一样。 什么意思,都属于哪些grammar? 若 (What) Have you got...?(What) have we got? Have we got...? 是问句。 present simple 什么意思,present simple 是不是就是 present tense,也就是verb to be! 三个是一起的? present simple 是简单现在式,present simple 就是 present tense 的倒写。不是verb to be,我已在上面说了verb to be是甚麼了。(它们的现在式是:am is are / 过去式是: was were) verb tense 跟 present tense 并不同,verb tense 是两个字: verb 是动词; tense是时态。而present tense 则是现在式。 都有哪些present tense! 在英文字典的所有动词都是用现在式 present tense 的。 如: go, like, love, run, eat, swim, write.....等等 以上的若改为过去式的话: went, liked, loved, ran, ate, swam, wrote.... 我们这儿已过了午夜,要上牀睡觉了,晚安!

南梨夕 举报

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