
249117598 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

wsxe216 春芽

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Dear father and mother, you at home fortunately? The weather transferred now has been cool, you had to pay attention to own body, put on clothes not to have to catch cold, I thought you very much.Do not worry me, in Chongqing University all very good, I can study attentively, you feel relieved, waited for me to have a vacation went back looks at you oh! Learned from me in here also to make very many good friends, they could help me in the study and the life, we to be together very in a friendly way all, when didn't I usually attend class and you telephone, now writes this letter to you, told you me the situation, that speech, really did not need to worry me, my all were good, your well I could a more relieved study, be good, other not said.Goodbye!
中文: 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,你们在家里还好吗?天气现在转凉了,你们要注意自己的身体,多穿衣服不要着凉了,我很想你们.你们不要担心我,在重庆大学一切都很好的,我会用心学习,你们放心吧,等我放假了就回去看你们哦!在这里学习我还交了很多好朋友,他们都会在学习和生活上帮助我,我们相处的都很友好的,我平时上课没有什么时间和你们通电话,现在写这封信给你们,告诉你们我的情况,还是那句话,真的不用担心我,我一切都好,你们好好的我就会更安心的学习的,好了,其他的就不多说了.再见!


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