英语翻译In the Berlin olympics in 1936 Luz Long ,a long jumper f

In the Berlin olympics in 1936 Luz Long ,a long jumper form Germany,was competing against the American Jesse Owens
Jesse owens was having difficulty .He thought to himself,l have already been disqualified by jumping form the wrong place.lf I do it again,I will be removed from the competition
Just then Luz Long came by.He told Jesse to relax and to stand further back before beginning his run.Jesse followed his advice
Later after the competition Jesse smiled and said,I have won the gold medal ,but I think Luz Long is the greatest sportsman I have ever met Everyone else thonght so too!
zhenghc 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

oo路人 幼苗

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在1936年的柏林奥运会上来自德国的跳远选手Luz Long正在和来自美国的Jesse Owens比赛当时Jesse Owens有了一些麻烦.他自言自语道:我已经因为跳跃起点不对被取消资格,如果我再做错,我将被从竞赛中除名.就在这时,Luz Long走过来.他告诉Jesse Owens放松并且起跑前往后站站.Jesse Owens听从了他的建议比赛结束后Jesse Owens笑着说,我已经赢得了金牌,但我认为Luz Long是我遇到过的最伟大的运动员.其他人也都这么认为



whyltt111 幼苗

共回答了12个问题采纳率:91.7% 举报

In the Berlin olympics in 1936 Luz Long ,a long jumper form Germany, was competing against the American Jesse Owens 在1936年柏林奥运会的、长一长跳投到德国、竞争形式的反美杰西·欧文斯Jesse owens was having difficulty .He thought to ...


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