英语翻译Before you can start speaking and writing in English,you

Before you can start speaking and writing in English,your brain must get enough correct English sentences.You can’t speak English if you have never seen an English sentence in your life.This is obvious.And you can’t speak English well if you have not seen a large number of English sentences.
There are two ways to get correct English sentences:listening and reading.Both are good,but reading is usually much easier than listening.With the help of a good dictionary,you will be able to understand English texts much more easily than,for example,English television or movies.
If you read just one book in English,you will see that your English has become much better.You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages.You will be surprised,but English phrases will just come to you when you are writing or speaking!Things like the past simple tense and how to use the word “since” will become part of you.You will use them automatically,without thinking.Correct phrases will just appear in your head.
It will be easy to use English,because your brain will only be repeating the things that it has seen many times.By reading a book in English,you have given your brain thousands of English sentences.They are part of you now.How can you make a mistake and say “I feeled bad”,if you have seen the correct phrase (“I felt bad”) 250 times in the last book you’ve read?You simply cannot make that msitake any more.
This is true for hundreds of words and grammar structures.If you read in English,you can foregt about grammar rules.Throw away your grammar book!You don’t need to know the rules for the present perfect tense.You don’t even have to know the name “present perfect”.Instead,read a few books in English,and soon you will feel that “I have seen Paul yesterday” is wrong,and “I saw Paul yesterday” is correct.How?Simple.Your brain has seen the second knd of sentence 192 times,and the first kind 0 times.This is what we call grammar intuition.This is how native speakers know what is correct.It’s no magic.You can do it,too.The only difference between you and native speakers is that they have heard and read more English sentences than you have.Many learners have improved their English grammar and vocabulary in an amazing way because of intensive reading.
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