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yanglaoda 花朵

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Love is More Thicker than Forget
Love is more thicker than forget
More thinner than recall
More seldom than a wave is wet
More frequent than to fail
It is most mad and moonly
And less it shall unbe
Than all the sea which only
Is deeper than the sea
Love is less always than to win
Less never than alive
Less bigger than the least begin
Less littler than forgive
It is most sane and sunly
And more it cannot die
Than all the sky which only
Is higher than the sky
The Flowers of Friendship
If good friends fell from the sky like raindrops,
I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have
all that I need.
But friends do not come to us that way,
instead they shoot up through the ground
from a tiny seed of common interest,are
cultivated with good times and grow into a
beautiful flower to enjoy that continues to
bloom as long as it is cared for.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into
a fragrant bouquet that enhances the world
around us and are meant to be enjoyed by
ourselves as well as to bring cheer or
comfort to others.
Like flowers,friendships also go through changes,
sometimes they are allowed to die,but if you
care for them well and tend them with a gentle
touch,they will continue to build roots in new
places and bloom for years of enjoyment.
When you have found a friend such as this,
you will know by the beauty and fragrance that
surrounds your life and it will spread like
beautiful wildflowers to enrich all of us.
-Poem by Tamara K Vickery
Many Lifetimes Ago
Many lifetimes ago
We raced through the universe
Like two shooting stars
Without a home
Never burning out
Never growing old
Our love was strong.
We invented love
While playing on the rings of Saturn
We slept and gave warmth to one another
While hiding out on Pluto
We stopped by the sun for tea
Then moved on again
Our love was strong.
Then came the time to leave this infinite space
We wept and smiled
For we knew we'd meet again
When the time came,you moved ahead and I stayed behind
My reason for yielding was simple
I had to watch your miracle of life from above
My love was strong.
I was born on a warm Monday
Years passed by and I missed your company so deeply
I knew not who you were or where you slept
But knew you were there,always there
A lifetime of searching made me tired and weak
I knew nowhere else to look until you willed me back into your life
Your love was strong.
Tonight we rest our heads in slumber
Dreaming of a life of love,hope,laughter,and joy
Smiling at one another as we go
For tomorrow we meet again
To share one another in joyful bliss
As we sing and dance,hand in hand while the sun sets
Our love is strong.
Our love is strong.
And now we come together
Come together again to gain what is rightfully ours
We come together to gain the other half of our soul
So that it may once again become whole
Two bodies,one soul...so we can close our eyes
And travel the universe just like we did so many lifetimes ago.
-Poem by Jason Cain Rackley


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