求月份单词的 chant!要上公开课,求带有12个月份单词的chant!能搜到还用提问吗?

jiaji8394 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

1355 幼苗

共回答了12个问题采纳率:91.7% 举报

Hey Hey
when's your birthday?
Clap your hands
if it's January
Stamp your feet
if it's February
Shrug your shoulders
if it's March
If it's April
up you stand.
Born in May
wave your hand
June's the month
to touch the sky.
Fly around
if it's July
If it's August
blow your nose
In September
touch those toes
If your day is in October
start your day
by rolling over
In November
bend your knees
Here's December
you must freeze!


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