谁能用英语写stress at work 的一篇短文··· 小小一段就好··

谁能用英语写stress at work 的一篇短文··· 小小一段就好··
请用first second, finally... 来写 stress at work
bigredant1350 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

micojord 幼苗

共回答了22个问题采纳率:86.4% 举报

Some companies have a Personnel Department and often have counsellors available who deal with stress at work. If so, contacting them is doubly useful.
Firstly, they should have some professional training in how to deal with stress and problems at work.
And secondly, should be able to speak to other people who may be instrumental in aggravating the stress, provided you give your consent for this to take place.
Finally, they should pay more patience and let the other people be blessed with good friends. Friends are invaluable when problems arise. Many of us are reluctant to speak with friends about our problems as we feel that we are imposing on them. This is true, but then again, this is what friends are for.
All of us must be able to recall instances when a friend, close of otherwise, confided in us concerning a problem and requested our advice. Well, friendship is based on reciprocity. Although our friends may not be able to provide definitive solutions to problems, the old adage, a problem shared is a problem halved, remains true. The simple exercise of telling a receptive listener about a problem assists us to articulate matters clearly and succinctly. This, in itself, is a benefit and a friend will invariably have something interesting and relevant to say about things.



陈春燕 幼苗

共回答了375个问题 举报

Stress at work -
Too much work to complete within the shortest time frame make us feel like the work is forever and never ending.
We have to rush and forgo our lunch and tea break even worst to work overtime. Our social life and family tie are at stake.


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