牛奶能不能解渴、还有 求 关于 一杯牛奶的故事、?

牛奶能不能解渴、还有 求 关于 一杯牛奶的故事、?
如题, 牛奶能不能解渴、 为什么、还有,关于 一杯牛奶 的故事. 一定要 中 英文 都有 , 英文的,要有一点复杂结构, 但 要 我能 看懂 . 请仔细 , 阅读我的要求, 谢谢、
judy0728 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

放下你 春芽

共回答了25个问题采纳率:84% 举报

据专家分析测定:每一瓶227克(半磅装)消毒牛奶中,所含蛋白质,相当于55克鸡蛋;脂肪,相当于385克带鱼;热量,相当于120克猪肝;钙,相当于500克菠菜;磷,相当于300克鸡肉;维生素A,相当于125克活虾;维生素B2,相当于225克羊肉 一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品.饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱.于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃.然而,当一位美丽的年轻女子打开房门的时候,这个小男孩却有点不知所措了.他没有要饭,只乞求给他一口水喝.这位女子看到他饥饿的样子,就倒了一大杯牛奶给他.男孩慢慢地喝完牛奶,问道:“我应该付多少钱?” 年轻女子微笑着回答:“一分钱也不用付.我妈妈教导我,施以爱心,不图回报.”男孩说:“那么,就请接受我由衷的感谢吧!”说完,小男孩就离开了这户人家.此时的他不仅自己浑身是劲儿,而且更加相信上帝和整个人类.数年之后,那位女子得了一种罕见的重病,当地医生对此束手无策.最后,她被转到大城市医治,由专家会诊治疗.大名鼎鼎的霍华德·凯利医生也参加了医疗方案的制定.当他听到病人来自的那个城镇的名字时,一个奇怪的念头霎时间闪过他的脑际.他马上起身直奔她的病房.身穿手术服的凯利医生来到病房,一眼就认出了恩人.回到会诊室后,他决心一定要竭尽所能来治好她的病.从那天起,他就特别关照这个对自己有恩的病人.经过艰苦的努力,手术成功了.凯利医生要求把医药费通知单送到他那里,他看了一下,便在通知单的旁边签了字.当医药费通知单送到她的病房时,她不敢看.因为她确信,治病的费用将会花费她整个余生来偿还.最后,她还是鼓起勇气,翻开了医药费通知单,旁边的那行小字引起了她的注意,她不禁轻声读了出来:“医药费已付:一杯牛奶.(签名)霍华德·凯利医生.喜悦的泪水溢出了她的眼睛,她默默地祈祷着:上帝,你的爱已通过人类的心灵和双手传播了.”(文章出处:《健康必读》) One day,a poor little boy in order to save enough tuition are selling goods from door to door.From cold and hunger,he touched all over the body,but only a dime.So he decided to discuss a family down to eat.
However,when a beautiful young woman opened the door when this little boy was a bit overwhelmed by.He did not beg for food,only to beg to give him a drink.The woman saw him look hungry,they poured a large glass of milk to him.Slowly the boy drinking milk,asked:"How much should I pay?"
Young woman smiled and replied:"not have to pay a cent.My mother taught me,give love,do not figure return." The boy said:"Well,then please accept my heartfelt thanks bar!" Finished,the little boy on the left the families.He was not only his whole body at this point is the effort,and more believe in God and mankind as a whole.
A few years later,the woman who got a rare illness,the local doctor does nothing.Finally,she was transferred to cities for treatment,treatment by a specialist consultation.Howard Kelly,the famous doctors also participated in a medical program development.When he heard that the patient come from the name of the town,a strange thought flashed to his mind as a sudden.He immediately got up and went straight to her room.
Kelly,a doctor wearing surgical clothing to ward,one will know that the benefactor.Back to the Council,after consulting room,his determination must do everything possible to cure her illness.From that day on,he would take special care of this right that they have ex patients.
Through hard work,surgery was successful.Dr.Kelly requested that notice sent to him for medical expenses,he looked,he signed the notice next to the word.When the medical expenses notice sent to her room,she did not dare look.Because she is convinced that the cost of medical treatment will cost her to pay the entire rest of his life.Finally,she gathered her courage and opened a medical expenses notice,next to the line of small print that attracted her attention,she could not help but read out softly:"medical expenses paid:a glass of milk.(Signed) Dr.Howard Kelly .
Tears of joy overflow her eyes,she silently prayed:"Thank you,God,your love has been through human hearts and hands spread." (Article Source:"Health must-read")


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