英语翻译Interest on any amount payable under this Agreement whic

Interest on any amount payable under this Agreement which is not paid onthe due date,where such amount is not subject to a dispute,shall be payablefrom the due date to the date of payment at a rate equal to 2% per annum abovethe base lending rate of the Barclays Bank plc from time to time.If an amountis subject to a dispute and it is subsequently agreed that the amount (or partof it) is due to be paid,interest shall be payable (as above) on the agreedamount from the date it was originally due to be paid.
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snake然 幼苗

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任何本协议下应付金额利息不是在到期日支付,这样的数量不受争议,应当payablefrom到期日付款日期的速度相当于每年2% abovethe巴克莱银行股价的基本贷款利率.如果一个amountis受到争议,随后同意金额(或一部分)将支付,利息应当支付(如上所述)的agreedamount日期原本pa


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