句型转换(就括号部分提问)1. i (am writing a report.) ( )( )( )( )now? 2.

1. i (am writing a report.) ( )( )( )( )now? 2.i'd like to (play with snow)in winter.( )( )( )( )to do in winter? 3.i like (spring) best.( )( )do you like best? 4.i like spring best (because it's warm). ( )( )you like spring best? 5.(fall) is (my) favourite season. ( )is( )favourite season? 6.i go to scholl (at 7:00 a. m.) ( )( )do you go to scholl? 7.(my birthday)is in may. ( )( )is in may? 8.i can find out the books about science (at the lirary). ( )( )you find out the books about science? 帮我 好的给分!
xintian3 1年前 已收到5个回答 举报

firekarl 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:93.8% 举报

1.i (am writing a report.) ( What )( are )( you )( doing )now?
2.i'd like to (play with snow)in winter.(What )( would )( you )( like )to do in winter?
3.i like (spring) best.( Which )( season )do you like best?
4.i like spring best (because it's warm).( Why )( do )you like spring best?
5.(fall) is (my) favourite season.( What )is( your )favourite season?
6.i go to scholl (at 7:00 a.m.) ( What )( time )do you go to scholl?
7.(my birthday)is in may.( Whose )( birthday )is in may?
8.i can find out the books about science (at the lirary).( Where )( can )you find out the books about science?



canadian_cat 幼苗

共回答了1923个问题 举报

1. What are you doing now?
2. What would you like to do in winter?
3. Which season do you like best?
4. Why do you like spring best?
5. What is your favourite season?
6. What time do you go to school?
7. Whose birthday is in may?
8. Where can you find out the books about science?



jooler 幼苗

共回答了278个问题 举报

1.What are you doing 2.What would you like 3.Which sport 4.Why do you 5.Which/your 6.What time 7.Whose birthday
8.Where can



rivernn 果实

共回答了4750个问题 举报

1. What are you doing now?
2. What would you like to do in winter?
3. Which season
4. Why do
5. What, your
6. What time
7. Whose birthday
8. What time
9. Where do



wangjueqi 幼苗

共回答了16个问题 举报

1.what are you doing now
2.what sports would like
3.what season
4.why do
5.what is season
6.what time
8.where can
我是个中学生 7想想


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