听短文,回答问题。 1. Mr. White and his wife came back from the farm_

1. Mr. White and his wife came back from the farm____________.
A. in the morning
B. in the evening
C. at noon.
2. They heard someone talking on the way ____________.
A. upstairs
B. to the bedroom
C. to the front door.
3. Who did they hear talking in their bedroom?
A. Two girls
B. One boy and one girl
C. Two boys.
4. When Mr. White called out "Who is there", what happened?
A. Nobody answered.
B. Two boys came out.
C. The boys stopped talking.
5. What did Mr. White find in his bedroom?
A. The light was still on.
B. The radio was still on.
C. The TV set was still on.
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