
本文结合Struts和Hibernate框架,对在线订餐系统进行设计和实现。首先从理论上分析了Hibernate的体系结构,对Hibemate的体系结构及其各个核心接口作了比较深入的说明;然后通过在线订餐系统这个实际的应用系统,运用 Struts+Hibemate模式,对系统进行了分层的设计;其中,重点阐述了分层后各层的功能与实现,即用户表示层,控制处理层,业务逻辑层,数据持久层的设计与实现。
魍詩繪 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

炫舞小妖 幼苗

共回答了12个问题采纳率:100% 举报

With the development of the restaurant industry and will bring more pedestrian flow,the flow of people,goods and capital flows,promote relevant industry booming,overall prosperity.Restaurant service quality will face greater challenges,more interactive dining management system to meet the requirements of the market.This combination of Struts and Hibernate framework,for design and implementation of online booking systems.First from theory analysis has Hibernate of system structure,on Hibemate of system structure and all core interface for has comparison in-depth of description; and by online set meal system this actual of application system,using Struts+Hibemate mode,on system for has tiered of design; which,focus explained has tiered Hou all layer of function and implementation,is user said layer,control processing layer,business logic layer,data lasting layer of design and implementation.Finally summarizes the work done by the paper and stated that further research work.



一叶泥巴 幼苗

共回答了20个问题 举报

With the development of restaurant industry and will bring more flow, flow, logistics and cash flow, promote development of related industries, prosperity. Quality of service in restaurants will face ...


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