
liuwen200510 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

benmouse98 幼苗

共回答了20个问题采纳率:90% 举报

1、先行词指人,在句中作主语who:John,who is only five,has an inborn talent for music.(约翰是一外5岁大的孩子,有着天生的音乐才能.) 2、先行词指人,在句中作宾语whom:His wife,whom you met at my home,was a teacher.(他的妻子,就是你在我家遇见的那个,是一位老师.) 3、先行词指物,在句中作主语或宾语which:Her house,which was built a hundred years ago,stood still in the earthquake.(那座房子在地震中依然耸立,它是一百多年前建造的.) 注意:无论先行词指人或者指物,在句中作主语或者作宾语,非限制性定语从句的引导词都不能用that.4、先行词在句中作定语,无论指人或者指物,引导词都用whose:The girl,whose name is Kate,is the top of the students in our school.(那个女孩是我们学校最优秀的学生,她的名字叫Kate.) The book,whose cover is red,is mine.(封面是红色的那本书是我的.) 5、先行词指物,在句中作时间状语用when:The sports meeting will be put off till next month,when we will have made all the preparations.(运动会将被推迟到下个月,那时我们做好一切准备.) 6、The next day we arrived in New York,where we were inerviewed on the radio.(第二天我们到达纽约,在那里我们接受了电台的采访.) 7、如果先行词作介词的宾语,先行词指人,介词提前的结构是:介词+whom;先行词指物,介词提前的结构是:介词+which:President Wilson,with whom he had not the same intimate relations,is treated much less sympathetically.(威尔逊总统与他没有同样的亲密关系,所以就没有被很同情地对待.) The Second World War,in which millions of people were killed,ended in 1945.(第二次世界大战造成数百万人的死亡,于1945年结束.) 8、as也可以引导定语从句,常与such连用:Such people as you describe are rare nowadays.(象你所描绘的那种人现在已经很少见了.) Let's disscuss only such questions as concern us.(让我们只讨论那些和我们有关的问题吧.) 注意:the same that+从句,意思是:正是那一个人或物;the same as+从句,意思是:就像某个人或物:He is the same man that you are looking for.(他就是你要找的那个人.) He is the same man as you met in the street.(他很象你昨天在街上遇见的那个人.实际上并不是那个人.) This is the same pen that I lost yesterday.(这就是我昨天丢失的那支笔.) This is the same pen as I lost yesterday.(这很像昨天我丢失的那支笔.)


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