
(注:文中的p代表pence(便士),1 pound(英镑)=100 pence
Mrs.White:What can I do for you?
Miss Black:I want some oranges,please.How much are they?
Mrs.White:95p for six.
Miss Black:Good.Give me twelve,please.And how much are the apples?
Mrs.White:80p a kilo(千克).
Miss Black:Can you give me half a kilo,please?
Mrs.White:Certainly.Here you are.
Miss Black:How much is the fish?
Mrs.White;Six pounds(英镑)fifty(6.50)a kilo.How much do you want?
Miss Black:I want half a kilo,please.Do you have anty rice?
Mrs.White:This rice is one pound eighty(1.80)a bag.
Miss Black:Can you give me two bags and two bottles of milk,please?
Mrs,White:Here you are.Two bottles at (以……价格)40p each.
Miss Black:How much is all that,please?
Mrs.White:Let me see…
Items oranges apples fish rice milk
Price(pound) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cevk9cev___z6942 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

tsdhgdj 花朵

共回答了24个问题采纳率:83.3% 举报

orange 1.9pound apple 0.4pound fish 3.25pound
rice 3.6pound milk 0.8pound

1年前 追问


cevk9cev___z6942 举报

能告诉我为什么吗?比如说文中的“95p for six"是什么意思?谢谢你!

举报 tsdhgdj

意思就是95便士可以买六个橘子 顾客要买12个橘子,付190便士,即1.9英镑, 商人又说80便士买0.5千克苹果,顾客说买半斤,即付40便士,即0.4英镑 商人说鱼卖6.5英镑一千克(怎么这么贵)顾客买0.5千克,付3.25英镑 商人接着讲1.8英镑一袋米,顾客买两袋,付3.6英镑 顾客说买两瓶奶,商人说4.0士每杯 共80便士,即0.8英镑

jiang1234 幼苗

共回答了11个问题采纳率:90.9% 举报

1.9 0.4 3.25 3.6 0.8


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