bring buy can call come excus help like listen love need pho

bring buy can call come excus help like listen love need phone paint play put please get go have
lose may meet think set sound run see sell sing start speak spell
swim want watch wish work wite
单三 过去式 现在分词
急! 在线等! 快!
asssasss 1年前 已收到3个回答 举报

颖子520 幼苗

共回答了23个问题采纳率:82.6% 举报

ing brings brought bringing
buy buys bought buying
can can could 没有现在分词形式
call calls called calling
come comes came coming
excus excuses excused excusing
help helps helped helping
like likes liked liking
listen listens listened listening
love loves loved loving
need needs needed needing
phone phones phoned phoning
paint paints painted painting
play plays played playing
put puts put putting
please 不是动词
get gets got getting
go goes went going
have has had having
lose loses lost losing
may 情态动词,没有其他形式
meet meets meet meeting
think thinks thought thinking
set sets set setting
sound sounds sounded sounding
run runs ran running
see sees saw seeing
sell sells sold selling
sing sings sang singing
start starts started starting
speak speaks spoke speaking
spell spells spelled spelling
swim swims swimed swimming
want wants wanted 没有现在分词形式
watch watches watched watching
wish wishes wished wishing
work works worked working
write writes wrote writing



iloveyou9111 幼苗

共回答了4个问题 举报

哥们,这得用电脑啊 我手机,打字就看不到上边的题了 心有余而力不足啊 这其中有些是规则的,剩余的不规则的课本后边都有的啊



搁笔何堪 幼苗

共回答了245个问题 举报



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