①――to become a professional basketball player in NBA,Shu-How

①――to become a professional basketball player in NBA,Shu-How Lin kept practicing all the time and now he was made it
A.Determined B.Determining C.Having dtermined
②Why did not you come to the concert last night
Oh,I――,but I had an unexpected visitor.
A.had B.would C.was going to
漂亮眼镜 1年前 已收到4个回答 举报

guochengyin1 幼苗

共回答了13个问题采纳率:92.3% 举报

1 答案是A
A == when / after he had decided to become - - - -
be determined to do sth (determined在这里是形容词,不应该被认为是被动语态结构)
相当于 : Tired, she went home early. ==when she was tired, she went home early

2 里面没有正确答案.
答案应该是would have.
would have done的意思是-------在过去,(因为某种原因),sth 没能发生.
i WOULD HAVE,BUT i had an unexpected visitor.
== i would have gone to the concert if i hadn't had an unexpected visitor.

如果是C,你的句子必须是:i WAS GOING TO go to the concert WHEN i had an unexpected visitor

英语太纠结了吧,对吗?其实非常容易.呵呵. 不要忙着采纳,推敲推敲吧.

1年前 追问


漂亮眼镜 举报

determined是形容词词性,也就是说,+ed是由于原句型为be determineed to do,“ed”跟时态语态无关么? would have和would区别在哪呢 “ 如果是C,你的句子必须是:i WAS GOING TO go to the concert WHEN i had an unexpected visitor ”是指要用when,而不用But么? 我先感谢了哈~

举报 guochengyin1

1 be determineed to do 与被动无关。 2 would have -----必须是“完成”的概念 would----是“将来”或者“非完成”的概念 3 WOULD HAVE,BUT i had an unexpected visitor. (虚拟+真实) WAS GOING TO go to the concert WHEN i had (进行时+when+一般过去时) 你自己比较一下吧

漂亮眼镜 举报

那如果选C(答案上写的C) Oh,Iwas going to,but I had an unexpected visitor.这个句子错在哪里呢?

举报 guochengyin1

把but换成when就对了。 I WAS TO HAVE GONE - -- -, BUT - - -- -- 原本- - - -,但是 - -- - == i would have gone, but -- - - she was going to leave for home WHEN her boss called her back to the office. ==she would have left but her boss called her back. === she would have left if her boss hadn't called her back. 晚上再聊。我要去教书了。 a good day to you.

漂亮眼镜 举报

我知道你要把but换掉, 可是,,,,我问的是为什么就对了啊?

举报 guochengyin1

因为过去进行时不与but一起用的。你看见过“过去进行时与but+一般过去时”的句型吗?除了下面的:He was writing but stopped to talk to Mary when she came in (这里的stopped是与came in搭配!) 过去进行时往往搭配while或者when.

爱新觉罗多尔衮 幼苗

共回答了2个问题 举报

Are you think you's six seven big ?



老王头V 幼苗

共回答了551个问题 举报

1 C
C 现在分词的完成式,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,同时表示主动。
因为kept这个动作是发生在 determine这个动词之后,有先后顺序,所以选择 C
A 过去分词,表被动,林书豪应该和与决定之间是主动关系 ,B现在分词表主动,但是没有先后顺序
2 C
be going to do sth 有打算去做某事的意思 。



龙南 幼苗

共回答了158个问题 举报






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