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yanglin51888 幼苗

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注意:If 引导的一般从句和第一条件句较容易理解.
常见第二条件句的例子就是,If I were you, I would.
常见第三条件句的例子就是,If I had done, I would have.
零条件句Zero Conditional
结构:If + subject + simple present, subject + simple present.
Subject + simple present if + subject + simple present.
例句:If I see a spider, I get panicky.
I feel claustrophobic and immediately want to get out of if I enter an enclosed space.
第一条件句First Conditional
结构:If + subject + simple present, subject + will + verb.
Subject + will + verb + if + subject + simple + present.
例句:If we move the office to the 15th floor, I'll resign.
I'll probably have another panic attack if I see a spider.
第二条件句Second Conditional
结构:If + subject + simple past, subject + would + verb.
Subject + would + verb + if + subject + simple past.
例句:If I didn't suffer from a fear of flying, I would travel more.
I would consult a doctor if I had a phobia.
第三条件句Third Conditional
结构:If + subject + past perfect, subject + would have + past perfect.
例句:She was ill. She didn’t go to work.
改成第三条件句:If she hadn't been ill, she would have gone to work.


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