look like 怎么用?能接完整句吗?

look like 怎么用?能接完整句吗?
the paintings look like they were painted in this century but were really painted in the sixteenth century.这句话对吗?
relax008 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

香水瓶里的鱼 幼苗

共回答了16个问题采纳率:87.5% 举报

look like 中like是介词,后面只能跟名词,不能跟句子.

1年前 追问


relax008 举报

look like that行吗?

举报 香水瓶里的鱼

可以。 介词后面不能跟完整的句子,可以跟名词,名词短语,动名词,代词等。

举报 香水瓶里的鱼

可以。 介词后面不能跟完整的句子,可以跟名词,名词短语,动名词,代词等。
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