翻译.1.下次我们一定会赢1,we're sure _____ _____ ______win the next tim

翻译.1.下次我们一定会赢1,we're sure _____ _____ ______win the next time.
2.我的爸爸昨天给我买了一个足球.my dad ___ _____ a football yesterday.
my dad _____ a football _______ ______ yesterday.
3,请你不要乱扔瓶子好吗? would you mind____ ____ bottles ______ ?
4.这座城市有着一个多世纪的历史.the city has a history of_____ ____ ____.

yitengno1 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

lzy5818957 幼苗

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下次我们一定会赢1,we're sure _____ _____ ______win the next time.
we're sure that we are sure /certain to win the next time
We're sure that we will surely win the next time

2.我的爸爸昨天给我买了一个足球.my dad ___ _____ a football yesterday.
答案解析:主要考察动词买用法 buy somebody something =buy sth for sb 给某人买什么东西
My dadd (bought) ( me ) a football yesterday
My daddy ( bought ) a football (for) ( me ) yesteday
my dad _____ a football _______ ______ yesterday.

3,请你不要乱扔瓶子好吗?would you mind____ ____ bottles ______
答案解析:keep +名词+形容词做宾语补足语用法
Would you mind keeping the bottles orderly

4.这座城市有着一个多世纪的历史.the city has a history of_____ ____ ____.
答案解析:Sth has a history of more than / over century (时间用法)
This city has a history of over one century

1年前 追问


yitengno1 举报


举报 lzy5818957

order形容词 adj. keep sth orderly 意思,使某物保持整齐意思 1.安排好的; 整齐的; 有秩序的 It's an orderly room. 这是个整洁的房间。 1. a calm and orderly life 平静有序的生活 2. The buildings in this area are laid out in an orderly fashion. 这一片建筑物的布局十分规3. 3.It's an orderly room. 这是个整洁的房间。 4. The books are in orderly rows on shelves. 书籍整齐地排列在书架上。 5. In swift and orderly succession, one stood up as another sat down. 迅速而有规律性的站起来一个,又坐下去一个。

yitengno1 举报

我还是不大懂为什么在这最后加这个。- -。

举报 lzy5818957


木棉林 幼苗

共回答了3个问题 举报



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