李华 英语作文我叫李华上周末,我和朋友去郊游.

雪舞霜飞 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

李金润 幼苗

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My name is Li Hua.Last Sunday i had gone picnic with 3 of my friends at the beach at west coast park.We met at 9pm at the xx bus interchange and took bus no 100 to the park.
It was a great day and we really had much fun.Despite the scorching hot sun,we played beach volleyball and rugby on the sandy beach,which we really enjoyed and helped to bond us closer.We also rode bicycle along the coast,while watching the sun set.it was truly mesmerizing.As for lunch,we each bought some food and drinks and shared with each other.I enjoyed the outing and had a really sweet dream that night.


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