
剑5真题Test2 的大作文
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the andvantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
The gap year has become more and more young adults' choice today,which means traveling or working usually for one year between graduating from high school and seeking for further study in the university .Discussion on whether it is a better selection or not comes along inevitably.I will try to analyse its pros and cons in my following essay.
People especially the elders who pay more attention on the traditional values may find it difficult to be approval of such kind of behaviour for the existing certain degree of potential risks for young adults.It is natural for parents to feel worried since there seems no reasonable personal safety guarantee for their children,who is going on a trip alone especially travel abroad by themselves.Even for the young working man,it also remains unreliable due to their lack of either the social communicating skills or working experience.
However,we cannot neglect the numerous benefits of it at this point.First and foremost,both traveling and working experience do play a valuble role in diversifying the youngsters' life experience and expanding their outlook pretty well.Obviously,this helps them clarify their own life.Hence,here comes the second evidence that clearer self-awareness contributes to a more definitive derection towards their further study and life long career.Besides,it can be recognised as the youth's unique spirit of adventure and the very desire to escape from quite a long-term stuffy school life that promotes their decisions of gapping one year.
Personally speaking,I always convince that taking a year off in this way does benifit the youth much more than attending to the university which actually means another totally different school life style directly without a period of transition.While,traveling or working for a short time before campus life just offers them such an opportunity for preparition.Anyway,such a kind of experience is absolutely a treasure for the young individuals to realise that everyone's life is empowering and it can be unsual at an early age.
xijundee 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

迷恋午后奶茶 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:93.3% 举报


1年前 追问


xijundee 举报

谢谢。 1实话说我真的没有故意去使用模板,第一段最后一句前两天在篇范文里看到了想还可以这样写啊,就用了。模板嫌疑很可能是我高中作文的后遗症。 2长难句的问题,我写中文就有这个毛病,不自觉就爱套爱绕。 3考官的同题范文,我们总体观点一致,但具体理由不同,且主体段顺序也不一样,我习惯先说我不支持的,再说我支持的,以更加突出其好。 4像我的支持段,是理由列举式的,但并没深入解释哪一点,这样可以吗?

举报 迷恋午后奶茶

切记:哪里有论点,哪里就要有论据。 一个论点提出来,一定要紧接着举例论证! 你的大量篇幅都用在了论点上!而且引出论点的句子写得很拖沓!没有实质的内容! 有些文章,层次鲜明,句子结构也难度适中,单词用的特简单,拿高分的原因就是因为其论点与论据结合的自然,显得写作游刃有余!我觉得你把精力用错了地方,句子写的太冗长

张昌林 幼苗

共回答了17个问题采纳率:94.1% 举报

你的写作语言还是有点偏中式英文,建议你看几篇GRE范文,增强写作逻辑谢谢。 首段按理说应该是最简洁最好写的,但我每次都纠结开头段。有什么好方法快速简明入题么? 重点不够突出吗?我在支持段里写了三点理由,但第二段只在“风险”这点上讨论了呀。是因为我先写了让步段才写支持段的原因吗? ...


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