英语试卷good morning,ciass! my name is wei hua.im your English t

good morning,ciass! my name is wei hua.im your English teacher. l m Nice to meet you all. this is Lily. she is English. what s your name,please? oh,he s mike 问题 it s ? now 2.wei hua is a? 3.lily is? 4.mike is a ? 5.wei hua, lily and? are at school now.
jennys 1年前 已收到2个回答 举报

honlang655 幼苗

共回答了22个问题采纳率:90.9% 举报

1、It's morning now
2Weihua is the English teacher
3Lily is from England
4MIke is a student
5weihua lily and Mike are at school now



zemith 幼苗

共回答了2个问题 举报

2 english teacher
3 she is English
4 man


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