about indirect speech and direct speech.

about indirect speech and direct speech.
Hi,everyone.I have some trouble,can you help me?how to change between indirect speech and direct speech?now,I have several sentence must change into direct speech,but I can't do it.please help me if you can do it,thanks for you!
This is my my questions:
I asked her where she had spent her holiday.
Jim asked us if we had had a pleasant holiday.
She also asked me if I had enjoyed my holiday.
primeprince 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

风萧剑客 幼苗

共回答了15个问题采纳率:93.3% 举报

1、i asked her : " where did you spend your holiday?"
2、jim asked us :"did you have a pleasant holiday?"
3、she also asked me :" did you enjoy your holiday?"


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