我交了一个韩国的朋友 但是我不会韩语 所以我只能用英语发送Email 给她

我交了一个韩国的朋友 但是我不会韩语 所以我只能用英语发送Email 给她
不过我英语又很菜 有高手帮我找找有没有错误的地方啊 别让我在MM面前丢脸额 谢过朋友内容如下
Dear 인지홍
Nice to meet you by letter.I am so excited to sent EMAIL to you!! so excited that i cant fall asleep,
4 day‘s short happy time often come out in my mind.Once i wore the shirt which you gave me for gift, everyone in class all laugh out ,very interesting.my Korean very bad , but I will study hard ,Next time to meet you,I belive i can use Korean to communication with you . I think if you help me to learn Korean,i can learn it well more. I hope to hear from you soon .At last I wish you
happy everyday,more and more beautiful.
your's ****
sahtj 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

3个英雄 幼苗

共回答了22个问题采纳率:90.9% 举报

你跟人家什么关系 前面和后面写得真恶心~~~~
所以你的目的是表达谢意 好 我跟你改 然后表达出你隐含爱意在里面
Dear XXX,
Glad to receive your letter. I feel thrilled to have a chance to write you back. Those 4 days I spent with you seems to be the best time I have ever had in my life so far. When I close my eyes, the joyful days always come in to my mind. And of course, thank you for the shirt you sent to me. It reminds me of the time we had. I love it!! (你同学都嘲笑你了 能是什么好礼物 你还好意思跟人说出来~~) I am pretty sure that the next stage of my study will be focused on Korean. I feel unconfortable when we talk to each other using neither of our own languages. So I set up my mind to learn Korean. And it seems to be a very nice language to me. To achieve that, I am desperately in need of your help. So let me know if you have some chance to help me out. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes.


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