新概念2Lesson 15的知识讲解

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Lesson 15 Good news 佳音
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★secretary[?] n. 秘书 注意读音
secret[?] n v注意读音与secretary的区别
★nervous adj. 精神紧张的
be nervous 事情发生时
worried : 为以后的事情担心
upset:不安的 (对以前的事情)
★afford v. 负担得起
1、afford sth. : I can afford the coat (东西)
I can afford the hoilday.有时间去
2、afford money/time : I can afford five yuan./I can afford the book.
afford to do sth. : I can afford to buy the book.
(can/can’t)afford sth.前面一般都要加情态动词 “can/can’t”
★weak adj. 弱的
★interrupt v. 插话, 打断
disturb : 打扰某人
interrupt : 打断某人的话
Sorry to...
Lesson 15 Good news 佳音
First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.
What was the good news?
The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come.
'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.
'Don't interrupt,' he said.
Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!
秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我. 我走进他的办公室, 感到非常紧张. 我进去的时候, 他连头也没抬. 待我坐下后, 他说生意非常不景气. 他还告诉我, 公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支, 有20个人已经离去. 我知道这次该轮到我了.
“哈姆斯沃斯先生, “我无力地说.
“不要打断我的话, “他说.
然后他微笑了一下告诉我说, 我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入.
look down upon/on sb : 瞧不起某人
I look down upon my sister.
I look down 往地上看,反义词 : look up
Business is very good! 生意好!
The firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.(此句要求背诵)
collect salary 领薪水
pay salary 支付薪水
such的后面加名词, 容许在该名词前面加修饰词
My turn has come.
It is my turn.轮到我了(口语常用形式)
in a ... voice
in a loud(大声)/low (低声)/weak(强调心里不踏实)/strong(理直气壮) voice
a year
以下几个词都可表示 “再, 又” 的意思, 注意用法 :
1、an extra thousand(作名词看)
再有多少 : 数量+extra+名词
2、two others : two other +名词
3、two more : two more chairs
4、once more: 再一次
5、another three days : 只有another 的数词在后面
【Key structures】 关键句型
间接引语(宾语从句) : 是陈述句的间接引语.
一、主从一致 : 主句和从句的时态一致
1.主句的动词为一般现在时, 从句为任意时态
2.主句的动词为一般过去时, 从句为相对应的过去时态
(过去时 : 一般过去时, 过去进行时, 过去完成时, 过去将来时)
一般现在时—— 一般过去时
现在进行时—— 过去进行时
现在完成时—— 过去完成时
将来完成时—— 过去将来完成时
一般过去时—— 过去完成时
主要是第一和第二人称变化, 设身处地
三、只要属于宾语从句, 引导词that可以省略
Exercises B
1 He ______ me that she ______ (come)tomorrow.
2 The gardener ______ that he ______ (cut)that tree down yesterday.
3 I ______ you I ______ (have)never played tennis before.
4 What ______ he ______ that he ______ (do)?
5 When ______ he ______ you that he ______ (buy)this car?
6 He ______ he ______ (cannot)understand me.
7 He ______ that he ______ (work)all day yesterday.
8 He ______ me he never ______ (write)letters to anybody.
9 Why ______ you ______ that you ______ (be) busy?
10 He ______ that he ______ (will wait)for me.
后面有 “人” 用tell,否则用say
1.told; would come
2.said; had cut
3.told; had never had
4.did; say; had done/would do/did
5.did; tell; had bought
6.said; couldn't
7.said; had worked
8.told; had never written
9.did; say; were busy
10. said; would wait
先根据原句填时态, 再把这句话放到整篇文章中检验
【Special Difficulties】 难点
office : 办公室
study : 书房
desk : 课桌
1 We shall use the spare room in our new house as a ______ .
2 Smith works in a lawyer's ______ .
3 She felt very ______ before the plane took off
4 I can only ______ to pay £100 a week rent.
5 Since his illness he has been very ______ . He is always losing his temper.
5.irritable : Since his illness=> 自从他生了病
since +名词
【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题
6 ______ turn is it? It's your turn.
a.Whic b.To whom c.Who d.Whose
(书面语)my turn has come,(口语)it is my turn
轮到谁 : whose turn (is it)?who is next?
10 It's your turn ______ .
a.It's your line b.It's your row c.You're next d.It's your chance
It's your turn.You're next.
12 The writer would receive an extra £1, 000 a year. He would get£1, 000 a year ______ .
a.less b.more c.over d.up
extra,other,more,another, over
最灵活的是more,two more eggs,once more
more可以放数词和名词之间, 甚至可以放在整个名词的后面
extra和other一定放在数词和名词之间, another一定放在数词前面
over sth : 超过(多余)什么东西, over three years
up : 往上, climb up
一般过去进行时 : 跟过去的一个时间或动作同时发生
如果是现在进行时在直接引语当中变成间接引语, 极有可能选用过去完成时
1.My brother____while he____his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell/was riding B.feel/was riding
C.had fallen/rode D.had fallen/was riding
fell(跌下来),ride(骑自行车) A
2.He____his leg as he_____in a football match.
A.broke/played B.was breaking/was playing
C.broke/was playing D.was breaking/played
break one's leg C
3.My father will be here tomorrow.
I thought that he____today.
A.was coming B.is coming
C.will come D.comes A
be coming表示将要
4.Jack was going out of the shop when he collided with an old woman
A.come B.was coming
C.had been coming D.had come
collide : 相撞, 是相对概念 B
5.Mike couldn't come to the telephone when Mr.Smith called her because
she___C__in the lab.
A.had been working B.has been working
C.was working D.worked



eachtour 幼苗

共回答了591个问题 举报




weiwef 幼苗

共回答了7个问题 举报

Look up抬头看
Could Not afford to......不可能支付 ,AFFORD为有能力做,常和And、Could连用。
I know that my turn had come.我知道这次该论到我了。
My turn 指上文有人被公司解雇


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