I realized at once that I had done it wrong when she told me

I realized at once that I had done it wrong when she told me all about This ,其中那是主句 那是状语 那是宾语从句
爱喝苹果汁 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报

一起数星星 幼苗

共回答了21个问题采纳率:85.7% 举报

主句:I realized .
宾语从句:that I had done it wrong
状语:when she told me all about This

1年前 追问


爱喝苹果汁 举报

at once that 是做什么的

爱喝苹果汁 举报


举报 一起数星星

at once 作状语,that引导宾语从句。 I had done it wrong 是个完成时的陈述句,这一句中,主语i, 谓语 had done ,宾语 it ,wrong是宾语补足语。

爱喝苹果汁 举报

at once 是主句的状语吗?

爱喝苹果汁 举报

at once 是主句的状语吗?
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