关于名词性从句的题,详解.5.When I try to understand ____ that prevents s

5.When I try to understand ____ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes.
A.why it does B.what it does C.what it is D.why it is
9.All finished,we sat down to enjoy ____ we thought the most delicious dinner.
A.that B.which C.what D.it
12.____ different life today is from ___ was fifty years ago.
A.How,what B.What a ,what C.What ,what D.What a ,how
13.Air is to us ____ water is to fish.
A.that B.what C.which D.is that
18.They want to know ____ do to help us.
A.what can they B.what they can C.how they can D.how can they
23.The village is no longer ____ it used to be.
A.which B.that C.what D.as
34.____ plastics can be widely used in industries.
A.Finding B.To find C.The finding D.It has been found that
45.We have no idea___ he has done is right.
A.if that B.if what C.whether what D.whether that
46.We couldn’t find ____ in the forest.
A.anything where B.anything whatever C.whatever anything D.something what
47.They can’t get ___ from Mary.
A.nothing whatever B.anything how C.anything what D.anything whatever
48.Rice is a comfortable food,__ the season is .
A.whenever B.wherever C.however D.whatever
49.You can’t imagine _____.
A.how terrible weather we had B.what terrible weather we had
C.how terrible weather had we D.what terrible weather had we
50.____ computer works is a question that ____ can understand.
A.What,none B.How,not everyone C.How ,no one D.What,nobody
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5. 宾语从句,且从句为强调句式而且要使用陈诉语序,因此答案是C.你可以尝试还原从句的语序.
9.宾语从句,从句为think 用法影响,think 接宾语加宾补.
12. 感叹句加介词的宾语从句.感叹句中已经存在主语 life 因此使用HOW,而be different from后应该接宾语,宾语为句子并缺少主语因此选A.
13. A is B what C is D.固定句式.
18. 宾语从句.陈诉语序,并且从句中缺少do 的宾语,因此连接词用what.
23. 从句中缺少表语所以用what,that在名词性从句中不作成为且没有意义.
34. 是塑料可以在工业中广泛应用,而不是找到塑料这个动作.所以不能用finding这个选项.
45. 首先当名词性从句中出现whether和if 的话优先选whether,因为能用if的地方一定可以用whether.其次看这个从句中缺少什么成分.do为及物动词,所以从句缺少宾语.因此要用what作宾语.答案为C.
这两题是名词性从句中独有的固定结构,用于否定句 anything whatever.表示任何东西.
48. 答案为D.此题为让步状语从句,在让步状语从句中whatever可以转化为no matter what的结构,意思为无论什么.在此题中whatever the reason is 可转化为 No matter what reason is.但是在名词性从句中,绝不可以如此转化.因为在名词性从句中 whatever意思是任何东西.
49.答案为B.首先宾语从句应使用陈诉语序,排除C/D.此外次题可以理解为感叹句型.选B构成what句式的感叹句,若想选A则应该使用how terrible the weather we had.


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